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Tuesday, September 1, 2009 . 10:42:00 PM

Wad the !"£$%^&*! today the Napfa test is postpone to the next day! What do u tink? orbi? ya right! not my fault. damn shit? ya. shitty shit! kanna put aeroplane! i m so so so angry! i oso dunno y. pek chek ba. argh! i cant stand the school, of the way they do things anymore. always so irresponsible... i suay? ya, i tink so too.. wa kao!!! wasted my travel time n cost to there, den nvm, some more raining. den I have to "ling yu". den nw a bit flu liao! den i tml, 2sept have to go back the idiot school again, n see the stupid faces!!! wa lao. u noe hw busy i m n my fren n it has brought us so inconvenient!!! arghh! sian la!!! i dunno y so angry abt it!!! but really dunno y. my heart boils!!! i dun like to go sch la!!! wa lao!!! sian.. i angry angry angry angry with alot alot alot alot of things. nth can make me happy!.. haiz. I have already make a feedback to the school! scold them if not they tink we student, very nice to bully isit!!! wad the hell! complaint to MOE then u noe if u dun take any action!!! U better do some action to it! idiots!

Here is the complaint letter:

"1 September 2009, we are told to come to school for the NAPFA test. It is a rainy day but when we reach there, it is still drizzling. But we thought there shouldn't be a problem of having the test indoor. Eventually, when we reach there we are told that the examiner is not there today. But there is no information or notification that the NAPFA test is cancelled today. This is really an irresponsible manner to us. Some of the student who stay far away from school, may wasted the fare and those who took off from work, may wasted one day of applying the off and they might not be able to get another off according to the schedule. If the examiner are not able to take the test today, there should at least an inform to the students. Due to now is a holiday and most of us will be having job interview or some appointment made that cannot be cancelled, we might not be able to attend it. This may cause troublesome to us, but the examiner never consider for us, only for itself. Hopefully, your Napfa examiners be more responsible please. We are although student, but also an adult to know what is wrong or right. If this can be cancelled so easily, are u saying that exam can be changed irregularly too? Thank you for the consideration of the management for the student Napfa test."

Ass u! better reply me! i m damn angry! examiner u tml will sure kanna suan by mi! waste my time n effort! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh....

den we wasted our time at Tampines when we know the test is cancelled. travel time 4 hrs back n forth. haiz! den dretched for the day! if tml big big rain cancelled again. I DUN WAN GO LIAO! u better go test urself! u shitty examiner!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009 . 5:35:00 PM

Oh my! teacher called mi in the afternoon. anything happen to my paper? or wad? i really very scare! i hope he help mi to pass! i will like him forever! haha. as a teacher la!!! lol... he called to ask mi what is the subject for mi, core or elective one? hmmm. he helping mi? or there is problem with my paper? or my other mates paper? oh my! scary la... i really need pass! coz i cant afford to fail again! coz tis is my last chance! i really need to pass! n second time he called, to ask wad is my course name. I tink he is entering the marks in? ohh... i really scare la. please let us noe the marks faster. we r getting panic... haha...

*guang ying ma por pi, help mi pass my paper! i really need to pass so that i can go n get a job of my interest soon.*
I have finally finish my school life n exam in my 22 years of life. What a struggling life i have. haha. But now waiting for my result. wad u all wan to noe? my last few day? or my life in sch? haha..

finish my last paper exam last friday, 28August2009. after the paper, i never felt relief at all. i m still panic, with my result. :( I not sure if the teacher understand wad i m writing. anyway, hope i get good grade. ^.^ n i will. hahaha... went Brewerkz with the gals(jing n yanyan) at night, to celebrate my last paper. (But actually we wanted to go timbre, but the place had a long queue when we reached there, so we went walking ard to look for another place.) Brewerkz is a nice place! but the beer should drink it cold if u dun like the bitter taste. haha. thx gals, i love the place. I tink that day i m a bit blur after finish drinking 500ml mine + 250ml of jing's beer. haha. i a bit headache. scare that i stand up walk like a snake. haha. but no have. haha! i suppose i m jus too tired after 2 weeks of studying n the stress i have. I enjoy drinking with u gals! love u gals lots! hehe. next target, TIMBRE!!! Please! haha. I tink i only wore dress during new year n outing like drinking, very a long time nv wore a dress since i started my poly life, i tink the clothing i wore to sch, look so market, but i dun care, school is for us to study, not fashion show. haha.i dun need to compare with others. there isnt a need to compare with other things with other people too. i dun need anyone to help mi to gain my good result. I m NOT a leech!!! only u r!
I Do the best i can to get the result i have. i dun mind any rank or wad, jus need that cert with grade! not like ppl, leech with people even when ppl dun like them. i dunno y, is so ming xian lo, den still ppl leech, dunno who is a leech! haiz, tis things has make mi so irritated! jus dun like the way leech do!!! should get a fire n burn u out of my sight!!! eeeeee.. anyway, dun need anyone like leech to spoil my life by angry with u. haha.. i not so free! jus dun need to see u or tok to u anymore so is ok! :) I blocked u! i admit! block mi lo! so wad! haha.. is ok not to have leech as a fren! eeee...

i be fren with human onli! hahaha.. bleah!!!

cheers! happy forever!! "I'm a happy go lucky gal" wahahaha..

Monday, August 17, 2009 . 3:14:00 PM

Oh my! Now i am struggling with my exam. Coming exam is on 28 august. I m scared to Fail. haiz.. i want pass. but when i look on the notes i really doesnt know, what will come out for the test. although there r tips given. but seem messy. i know my teacher is very good. he is hinding us n help me alot on my work too. he wanted to help us=me. but i haven did the past year paper to be submit to him to check. i doesnt know hw to do it when i saw the past year paper! really dunno! haiz. n the tips seem like have to read everything. I m scare, really scare! haiz. wad to do. I tink i m distracted by alot of things. I need to concentrate! :( all the best for me.
* i tink i shld Pray guang ying ma! pls help me to pass my exam! :P *

Monday, July 6, 2009 . 6:27:00 PM

finally, finish the 'my girl'... is so romantic and handsome.. :P i really like the lead very much. so pathetic and romantic. haha.. tink i watched tis drama till i forgt abt my bf.. these few day like nv tok to him much.. like ignored him le.. oh o! but he oso busy with his exam ba. so i tink is ok. drama keep me busy oso, so that i wun bother him. hehe... he dun like mi find him too ba..

now i gonna start on serious work now... chionging the show whole night and day. hehe.. no need to watch the tv series now. so slow.. always gan chiong part den finish already. lucky tis lappy gt the drama series show.. haha.. dun let me see any loving korean show already.. please! i need to study! hahaha... 6 more weeks... QUICK QUICK QUICK!!! i wan to slack! please! hahaha

Saturday, July 4, 2009 . 3:50:00 PM

Oh no... this korean drama is nice.. gosh! i'm addicted to it... it is funny and oso good looking. haha. hmmmm. nice show...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 . 10:56:00 PM

Wad a day! gosh! i tink prayer dun get my pray yesterday.. today is totally a sucky n unlucky day. i believe next time i will NOT be a engineer in future, becoz it does not suit my character at ALL!!! this is wad happen!

Today is my Major Project(MP) presentation, and i have prepare my slide of wad i have done during my Student Internship Program. was excited at the beginning of time, but things does not go well when it was my turn. wad i can say is totally SUCKs! argh! WAD THE HELL!!!! WTF la.. [sorry trying to be control ,myself].

Presentation does not depend on ur attire, ur speech nor the slide. is all depend on all the shit that u do during SIP has to be great and work like a professional. WTH! with our knowledge and freshie, wad do u expect us to do in a big company?! alot of work to do which we r not familiar nor touch before?! which employer dares to pass u all the work at once when u r doing attachment using SCHOOL intern? Then i actually kanna shoot like nobody business during the presentation, the slide, the presenting, the way i going to talk and present my work was all gone to a waste. which mean that i did not present my slide at all! becoz the judges has noe wad i going to present becoz tt last batch student had presented wad i going to present and so they r not interested. WTH la! The work i did is similar from last batch student is becoz we r attached to the same job scope. but as a judges, u cant say that u heard it before and can jus skip n cut my presentation. due to time extented by other student and i have to cut short my time? is non-of my BUSINESS lor... u can ask them to present within 15mins and go, but y did u allows them to present over-time.

i cant totally blame them becoz of this.. the question they asked mi, i does not know how to answer as well, i can say i have forgt and i does not want to answer rubbish to them too, if i not clear about it. But i jus cant stand that actually i kanna insulted. it was the FIRST n LAST presentation that i had overcome in my lifetime. wa kao! my presentation was always perfect and think i m a perfect speaker to present my thing. but today, i was totally pushed down, i suppose till the hole on the floor is not enough for me to hide.

is totally an insult! jus not happy that i cant answer their question, even though i have learnt in school before. but those stuff r years before! my god! who will remember it?! u have to look through once again too before u can answer them. will u remember what u did in secondary school? the day when teacher ask u the blah blah blah question? if u noe, den i gan bai xia feng manx! wa lao! i admit my memory is no gd at all. tts y i always listen n write down wad ppl said early on, rather den listen and forget abt it ltr when i walk away. there r no one with perfect brain memory.

Jus dunno wad to say.. everything is over... jus hopefully can graduate with pass marks ba.. jus too sian liao abt studies... i tink in future i will not or rather hate to work as a engineer! coz it really makes my day bad!!!! really really bad!!! haiz... tink i scare my fren jus nw too. n thx gals for comforting mi all along.. :)

feeling better now, but still cant cure the deep cut in my heart! :(